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Clippasafe Oven Door Lock

There are a number of places parents don’t want their children to play and hot ovens and microwaves are certainly close to the top of the list. We all know youngsters like to be creative and get involved in the cooking process, but they risk the chance of serious burns or injuries if they open the oven or microwave door.

  • Easily fitted to help prevent children from opening oven and microwave doors.
  • Heat Resistant.

5.95 Incl. VAT

SKU: CL-74/5

In stock

Clippasafe Oven Door Lock

There are a number of places parents don’t want their children to play and hot ovens and microwaves are certainly close to the top of the list. We all know youngsters like to be creative and get involved in the cooking process, but they risk the chance of serious burns or injuries if they open the oven or microwave door.

  • Easily fitted to help prevent children from opening oven and microwave doors.
  • Heat Resistant.

5.95 Incl. VAT

SKU: CL-74/5

In stock


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