The BabyDan Baby walker is multi-functional, as it can be used both for learning to walk and as a play table and dining area for the kid.
The Kid is safely placed in the BabyDan Baby walker, whose seat is stable and provides support while the kid practices moving around on its feet. The Baby walker can turn all the way around and has wheels with a rubber coating so that they do not damage the floor or make noise.
A nice and exciting dashboard is placed right in front of the kid and stimulates with both sounds and lights.
The BabyDan Baby walker is adjustable in height with 3 different positions and can also be folded completely when not in use.
ATTENTION! The BabyDan Baby walker should only be used for a maximum of 20 minutes, and the kid must always be able to touch the floor with their feet.
€105.00 Incl. VAT
In stock
The BabyDan Baby walker is multi-functional, as it can be used both for learning to walk and as a play table and dining area for the kid.
The Kid is safely placed in the BabyDan Baby walker, whose seat is stable and provides support while the kid practices moving around on its feet. The Baby walker can turn all the way around and has wheels with a rubber coating so that they do not damage the floor or make noise.
A nice and exciting dashboard is placed right in front of the kid and stimulates with both sounds and lights.
The BabyDan Baby walker is adjustable in height with 3 different positions and can also be folded completely when not in use.
ATTENTION! The BabyDan Baby walker should only be used for a maximum of 20 minutes, and the kid must always be able to touch the floor with their feet.
€105.00 Incl. VAT
In stock
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Nursery Direct, Triq il-Belt Valletta, Qormi QRM 3617, Malta | (+356) 2149 8010